Privates MODX und LINUX BLOG, User Registrierung ist deaktiviert! Fragen oder Tipps? Bitte per Matrix:
sudo apt-get install xterm perl
$thead['link_prev'] = $self.'?action=refreshCalendar&month='.$prev_month.'&year='.$prev_year;
$thead['link_next'] = $self.'?action=refreshCalendar&month='.$next_month.'&year='.$next_year;
$thead['link_prev'] = $self.'?action=refreshCalendar&month='.$prev_month.'&year='.$prev_year;
$thead['link_next'] = $self.'?action=refreshCalendar&month='.$next_month.'&year='.$next_year;
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install libreoffice libreoffice-l10n-de libreoffice-pdfimport libreoffice-style-breeze
sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
sudo ppa-purge -d trusty ppa:libreoffice/ppa
// RSS-Feed Time must be in english!
// we need this time format, e.g.: Wed, 02 Oct 2002 15:00:00 +0200
// unix timestamp to english rss-Date
// usage e.g.: [[+publishedon:getRSSdate]]
$format ='D, d M Y H:i:s O';
return date($format, strtotime($input));
<link>[[~[[+id]]? &scheme=`full`]]</link>
<guid isPermaLink="false">[[~[[+id]]? &scheme=`full`]]</guid>
ZitatAdobe Flash Player 11.2 ist die letzte Version, die noch die Linux-Plattform unterstützt. Adobe bietet weiterhin Sicherheits-Backports zu Flash Player 11.2 für Linux an.
* V 25.01.022 - Optimiert
* cleanUpload is a MODX Revolution FileManager Plugin when uploading with Media Browser
* Clean up and optimize data, JPEG and PDF Metadata will be removed, GDPR compliant (DSGVO Konform)
* Testet with MODX 2.8.8 (PHP 8.2.27) and 3.1.0 (PHP 8.3.14)
* File name transliteration and customizing the picture size
* Same file names are NOT overwritten, instead a unique ID is appended to these files
* Two system events need to be enabled: OnFileManagerBeforeUpload, OnFileManagerUpload
* Since MODX 3: Transliterate (upload_translit) must be disabled in the settings for this (cleanUpload uses its own).
* - Transliterate names of uploading files
* - Type: Yes/No (default: Yes)
* - if 'Yes', the name of any uploading file will be transliterated by global transliteration rules
* Reference and inspiration:
// Einstellungen für die PDF-Verarbeitung
if (!defined('PDF_PROCESSING_WAIT')) {
define('PDF_PROCESSING_WAIT', 5); // Maximale Wartezeit (Sekunden)
if (!defined('PDF_PROCESSING_ATTEMPTS')) {
define('PDF_PROCESSING_ATTEMPTS', 3); // Maximale Versuche für PDF-Verarbeitung
// Settings
$maxWidth = 1280; // Maximum pixel width | Maximale Pixelbreite
$maxHeight = 1280; // Maximum pixel height | Maximale Pixelhöhe
$quality = 80; // JPEG quality in % (default 80) | JPEG Qualität in % (Vorgabe 80)
$slug = '_'; // Replacement character | Ersetzungszeichen
global $modx;
$eventName = $modx->event->name;
// Checks if GD extension is loaded
if (!extension_loaded('gd') && !extension_loaded('gd2')) {
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[cleanUpload] Error: GD extension not loaded');
return false;
// ###################################
// Cleaning filename function
if (!function_exists('cleanFilename')) {
function cleanFilename($modx, $filename, $slug) {
// trim, replace special chars, transliterate
// Replace German Umlaute (no problem if use meta charset="UTF-8")
# $filename = str_replace(array('ä', 'ö', 'ü', 'Ä', 'Ö', 'Ü', 'ß'), array('ae', 'oe', 'ue', 'Ae', 'Oe', 'Ue', 'ss'), $filename);
// Trying to use iconv (I've disabled this because I want to have German Umlaute)
# if (function_exists('iconv')) {
# setlocale(LC_ALL, strtolower($modx->getOption('cultureKey')) . '_' . strtoupper($modx->getOption('cultureKey')));
# $filename = trim(preg_replace('~[^a-zA-Z0-9-' . preg_quote(null, '~') . ']+~i', $slug, iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $filename)), $slug);
# } else {
// Without transliterate (If you don't want to have Umlaute, remove: äöüÄÖÜß)
$filename = trim(preg_replace('~[^a-zA-Z0-9äöüÄÖÜß-' . preg_quote(null, '~') . ']+~i', $slug, $filename), $slug);
# }
if (empty($filename)) {
return false;
return $filename;
// ###################################
// Resize JPEG function
if (!function_exists('imgResize')) {
function imgResize($modx, $source, $target, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $quality) {
list($source_width, $source_height, $source_type) = getimagesize($source);
$source_gd_image = match ($source_type) {
IMAGETYPE_JPEG => imagecreatefromjpeg($source),
IMAGETYPE_GIF => imagecreatefromgif($source),
IMAGETYPE_PNG => imagecreatefrompng($source),
default => false,
if ($source_gd_image === false) {
return false;
$source_aspect_ratio = $source_width / $source_height;
$aspect_ratio = $maxWidth / $maxHeight;
[$image_width, $image_height] = ($source_width <= $maxWidth && $source_height <= $maxHeight)
? [$source_width, $source_height]
: ($aspect_ratio > $source_aspect_ratio
? [(int) ($maxHeight * $source_aspect_ratio), $maxHeight]
: [$maxWidth, (int) ($maxWidth / $source_aspect_ratio)]);
// Create a new temporary image
$gd_image = imagecreatetruecolor($image_width, $image_height);
// Copy and resize old image into new image
imagecopyresampled($gd_image, $source_gd_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_width, $image_height, $source_width, $source_height);
// Save gd_image into a file
imagejpeg($gd_image, $target, $quality);
// Destroy the images to free up memory
// ###################################
// Resize images and process PDFs
foreach ($files as $file) {
try {
if ($file['error'] != 0) {
throw new Exception('[cleanUpload] Error during upload: ' . $file['error']);
$dir = $directory;
$fileDir = $directory . $file['name'];
$bases = $source->getBases($directory);
$fullPath = $bases['pathAbsolute'] . ltrim($directory, '/');
$pathInfo = pathinfo($file['name']);
$fileName = $pathInfo['filename'];
$fileNameNew = cleanFilename($modx, $fileName, $slug);
$fileExt = '.' . $pathInfo['extension'];
$fileExtLow = strtolower($fileExt);
$fullNameNewLow = $fileNameNew . $fileExtLow;
$fullPathNameNew = $fullPath . $fileNameNew . $fileExtLow;
switch ($eventName) {
case 'OnFileManagerBeforeUpload':
if (file_exists($fullPathNameNew)) {
$uni = uniqid();
$fileTemp = $fileNameNew . '_' . $uni . $fileExtLow;
$source->renameObject($dir . $fullNameNewLow, $fileTemp);
case 'OnFileManagerUpload':
if ($fileName != $fileNameNew) {
$source->renameObject($fileDir, $fullNameNewLow);
} elseif ($fileExt != $fileExtLow) {
$source->renameObject($fileDir, $fullNameNewLow);
if ($fileExtLow == '.jpg' || $fileExtLow == '.jpeg') {
imgResize($modx, $fullPathNameNew, $fullPathNameNew, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $quality);
if ($fileExtLow == '.pdf') {
for ($attempt = 0; $attempt < PDF_PROCESSING_ATTEMPTS; $attempt++) {
if (file_exists($fullPathNameNew)) {
if (!file_exists($fullPathNameNew)) {
throw new Exception('[cleanUpload] PDF not found after attempts.');
$inputPDF = $fullPathNameNew;
$outputPDF = $fullPathNameNew . '.tmp';
$tempPS = $fullPathNameNew . '.ps';
$command1 = "pdf2ps $inputPDF $tempPS";
$command2 = "ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress $tempPS $outputPDF";
exec($command1, $output1, $return1);
exec($command2, $output2, $return2);
if ($return1 !== 0 || $return2 !== 0 || !file_exists($outputPDF)) {
throw new Exception('[cleanUpload] PDF processing failed.');
rename($outputPDF, $inputPDF);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $e->getMessage());
# dumme Fragen per Zufall erstellen
$strIntro1 = array('Dumme Frage: ', 'Blöde Frage: ', 'Nur eine Frage: ', 'Fangfrage: ');
$strIntro2 = array('Wie lautet der Vorname von ', 'Das erste Wort von ', 'Wie lautet der Nachname von ', 'Das letzte Wort von ');
$strName = array('Peter Maffay', 'Martin Luther', 'Anne Hathaway', 'Eva Rosenberg', 'Rosi Musterfrau', 'Alfred Neumann');
$randIntro1 = $strIntro1[array_rand($strIntro1)];
$randIntro2 = $strIntro2[array_rand($strIntro2)];
$randName = $strName[array_rand($strName)];
# Frage zusammen setzen
$randFrage = $randIntro2.$randName.'?';
# Session erstellen
if (!isset($_SESSION['dummeFrage']))
$_SESSION['dummeFrage'] = $randFrage;
# Platzhalter [[+dummeFrage]]
$modx->setPlaceholder('dummeFrage', $randIntro1.$_SESSION['dummeFrage']);
# dumme Antwort in Platzhalter schreiben
# den Zufallsnamen in ein Array (Position 0=Vorname und 1=Nachnahme)
$randName = explode(' ', $randName);
$intPosition = array_search($randIntro2, $strIntro2);
if ($intPosition !== false) {
# die ersten 2 Variablen im Array $strIntro2 wird nach dem Vornamen gefragt
if ($intPosition < 2) {
$strAntwort = $randName[0]; #Vorname
} else {
$strAntwort = $randName[1]; #Nachname
# Session erstellen
if (!isset($_SESSION['dummeAntwort']))
$_SESSION['dummeAntwort'] = $strAntwort;
# Platzhalter [[+dummeAntwort]]
$modx->setPlaceholder('dummeAntwort', $_SESSION['dummeAntwort']);
$dummeAntwort = $modx->getPlaceholder('dummeAntwort');